Monday, September 28, 2009

Mapyeti 2.0

The mapyeti frontend has been completely redone. It's a lot simpler and just plain looks better. Furthermore, we've added links for you to share sales you like with your friends.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Custom URLS for Businesses are Here!

If you're a business you can have your own customizable mapyeti url!

For example, if you have business named "coffee shop" you could put your business page at to make it easy for your customers to find you. If you change your mind later you can modify your URL at any time. Of course, this is completely optional and if you don't choose a URL yourself one will be auto-generated for you based on your business' name.


Friday, September 4, 2009

Mailing Lists are changing form

You may have noticed that the mailing list feature which we just added is gone now. Don't worry! It's not going away it's just changing. We're in the process of integrating mailing lists into user accounts to give you more control over how your mailing list updates work. Our goal is for the updates and alerts we send to you via email are every bit as personalized to your tastes as the results you get from looking at

If you signed up for the mailing list while it was active, don't worry! Your information is not being thrown away. Most likely when this feature is finalized we will auto-generate a user account for you and send you the info when it's done.

In the meantime, if you have a user account you can sign up to receive updates according to your city and categories of choice. You won't receive any email updates for a little while as the feature isn't finalized, but there's no reason you can't sign up and be ready once we finalize and roll out the mailing list feature.