Saturday, August 8, 2009

Revolutionizing the Way Businesses Advertise

For the past 100 years or so Advertising has remained relatively the same. The technology involved has changed - Newspapers to Billboards to Radio to Tv and now the Internet - But the ideas have stayed relatively the same: Bombard everyone you can with your message.

There's an inherit flaw in this idea: Most people don't care. In fact, most people really dislike being bombarded with advertisements. When you go to a website and see a flashing ad, or have your favorite tv show interrupted, your reaction isn't "Great! This is a chance to learn about some useful products I may not be aware of!" At best you treat it as a necessary evil that you have to put up with.

The thing is, there are people out there who really really would like to know about whatever product it is you're selling, so why not speak just to those people? In fact, if a person is looking for what you're selling, your ads don't even feel like ads anymore. This is where apps like mapyeti really shine. If your business is having a sale, there are people who really would like to know. And you really want those people to know about your sale. Mapyeti connects businesses posting their sales with people who want to see those sales. And it doesn't even feel like an ad, because it's not what everyone thinks of when they think of advertising.

So go ahead, make a free business account and start posting your sales!

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